Monday, September 21, 2009

Give me more doc!

So, had a checkup last Friday. My white blood cell count was basically the same as two weeks prior, which didn't please my doctor. So he upped my dosage of Gleevec. We shall see what happens with that. Also, we found out that my brother Chad who had been tested to see if he was a match to be a bone marrow donor if a transplant should become necessary was NOT a match. They are going to start looking at the National bone marrow list, and hopefully will find one there. I had some pain again for the first time since I started taking Gleevec this past weekend, but am feeling better now. I still have some pretty heavy pain meds in case, so those came in handy. Thank you for your continued prayers. They mean so much to me. Also, another cool thing is that a guy who goes to my church in Ft Worth where I have just started regularly attending told me he is a 10 year leukemia survivor. He had a much worse case than I did because he had AML, or acute myeloid leukemia, but we got to talk about his process and healing, and God really showed me alot thru that and encouraged me. It was a blessing to get to talk with him and get his perspective on it all, and realize how blessed I am.

Thank you all so much. God is good!

1 comment:

  1. Luke,
    I am so encouraged by your strength and trust in the Lord in the midst of this great trial. You are an amazing man of God and I'm praying for you all the time.
