Sunday, August 23, 2009

"Here we go again..."

So, as my last post says, I had been experiencing some pains over the last 48 hours. Last night they got unbearable, and I stopped by some awesome church brother's apt and asked them to take me to the emergency room. I remembered Dr. Fay telling me that if I felt like I could make it to Baylor Medical in Dallas, that it'd be best to go to the emergency room there, so I'd already be in the system where he is (my oncologist/hematologist). So, my friends helped get me there, get seen by the doctor, and found out my white blood cell count was up again to 44,000. The last 2 weeks or so, it's been hovering around 33,000, which is still a bit elevated, but I suppose not as bad and still manageable. But for some reason my WBC jumped to 44k, and is probably what caused my intense pain last night. The admitting doctor was afraid I had an infection so he did a few tests...a spinal tap for spinal meningitis, chest x-ray, took blood and urine samples. So far, all is clear, more results to come later. I was given a hospital room around 4:45am. Mom and dad got here at 3am in emerg room, after having gotten stopped by a cop along the way for speeding with their hazards on--but praise the Lord only got a slow down warning. Ha-I told my brother Chad who had made it by then that he needed to call them and say slow down but oops too late. Oh well, glad they made it asap. They started me on pain medication (NOT morphine as I had a bad reaction to it at Hendrick Hospital in Abilene), but rather on an anti-inflammatory pain med called Toradol. Now I'm on a pain med called diladid. I'm also taking antibiotics zosyn and voncomycin to get my WBC down. The pain is pretty much subsided. yeah! Hopefully, the on-call doctor for Dr. Fay this weekend will be in soon and we can figure out what the next step is.

Thank you all for your prayers. Would love visitors if any of you are near the Dallas area. God is good and has been so faithful during this time.

"His strength made perfect in our weakness!"

Thank you Lord!


  1. We're praying for you, Luke! I'm encouraged by your positive outlook despite this very difficult trial. Hang in there! Love you!

  2. We're praying for you as always. I'm gonna try to come see you soon!!

  3. Luke, your mom gave us your blog site. We've never met but I am your 3rd cousin (your dad was my first dad and your grandmother were brother and dad was Leonard who died in 1939)My brother and your grandfather (Dud) and I spent time together as kids (they were 4-5 years older than I)on the Surles' Dairy near Cisco. Oh, by the way, your grandmother, too, was my first cousin so your dad is my "double" cousin. We have lived in Abilene (when some of our kids were still at home) but are now in Austin. Have I set the background enough for you to not have to rack your brain trying to determine who this old dude is that is responding to your blog? Anyway, Luke, we want you to know that others are lifting you up in prayer, too, that you don't even know. We will share your situation on our church prayer list, too. Stay strong and call on me for anything I can offer you.

    Jim Surles

  4. Dear Luke, We are sorry to hear of your hospital stay again. Please know that you continue to be in our prayers along with many others here. God is good and we love you.
    G/D and Pat

  5. Luke, we're praying for you. God is ALWAYS in control!

  6. I thank God for the man you are, the man you're becoming. Glad for the updates, brother.

  7. Luke,
    Please know that you are in our prayers. Thank you for sharing your journey of faith with us. The Lord has put this verse in front of me recently and I wanted to share it - from Gen 50:20, ". . .you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good." I pray that you will continue to hold on to Him knowing that He does, "cause all things to work together for the good of those who love Him."
    Robin (Carleton) Cunningham
