Monday, August 24, 2009

"Gettin' out of Town...!"

So good news! Its amazing what things can happen when doctors are involved. So my hematologist/oncologist, Dr. Fay here at Baylor Medical Center comes in the room about an hour ago and says "let's get you the hell outta here!". Ha-you have to know him and his sense of humor, but I was like "yes!". So he said that he is going to get the pharmacy to get me some Gleevec, which is the medication I was supposed to be on last week but was having a problem getting it cause of insurance. So he will get that for me today, and will get me out of here today as well. So looks like I'm going to be released from the hospital today! Praise the Lord. So if anybody was thinking of coming up here this afternoon or evening, I probably won't be here, so call or text me before you come. Thank you for all your prayers! God is so good. Hopefully once I get started on the Gleevec pill, that will help this pain go away and my white blood cells will start going into remission. Again, thank you all for your comments, words of encouragment and prayers.

Will update more soon,


  1. Hey, Luke! I am going to put your good news at the beginning of my email prayer update tonight--followed by Meredith's good news! Please know that we are praying for you as you begin your treatment and return to your normal routine. We may just come to see The Jungle Book!

  2. So glad that you have a blog...and so glad that things are better! :) Praying for you!

  3. I worked for Texas Oncology for years, and Dr. Fay is one of our doctors, and I can tell you right now that if I had CML he'd be the one I would want to have treating me! Many prays and thoughts coming your way from the Maxwell family. Hope to see you when Alexis is in town.
