Thursday, October 1, 2009


Hey! It's been a while, but that usually is a good thing, b/c not much has happened. I wrote last time about some intermitent pain. The last couple of weeks, the pain levels have varied from 3-7 or so. I have taken the pain medication they gave me a couple of times, although I don't enjoy taking it because it knocks me out, but try to take just advil if I can stand it. My doctor had upped my dosage of Gleevec last dr visit to 400 mg a day, wanting to see what effect that had on me. Well, because I had been on 100 mg a day, I ran out of the pills in a few days, with no refills because I was still getting everything worked out with the Novardis company who is paying (thankfully!) for my Gleevec prescriptions for the next year. So there was a period of about 3 days I wasn't getting any medications. I saw the doctor yesterday after having some more intense bone pain, especially around my ribs, and my white blood count was up again to 37,000. Obviously, not going in the direction we would like because two weeks before it was at 21,000. Also, my red blood cells were really low. Doc said this would definitley cause me to feel bad as well as exhausted, both of which I have been. And although I was not glad about feeling that way, at least I had an explanation for the feelings. So, doc said it could have been those 3 days off the meds that were the result of the pain/higher counts. He is keeping me at 400 mg for now and seeing how that effects me.

Also, in good news, they found a donor for me!!! Sometimes this process can take months but praise the Lord they have found a perfect match for all my tissue HLA typings. That is good in case the Gleevec ends up not working or isn't doing the job as fast as doc would like.

Thank you for all your continued support. God bless all of you and please let me know how I can pray for you.


1 comment:

  1. Luke, it's great to keep up with you and how you're feeling via your blog. I am SO thrilled that they have found a donor!!! PTL!!
    What an answer to prayer! We will continue to pray as your journey continues! Much love to you!
    You cuz, Laura
